The Company Teachstone is a leading education company dedicated to strengthening the impact of teacher-student interactions with innovative tools and…
Knowledge Leaders is the #1 search firm for executives, investors and emerging leaders in the technology and education space. We focus on For-Profit Education Services, EdTech, Digital Media, Software and eCommerce. With over 25 years of experience connecting the top minds in these industries, we source the right candidate for you.
“The process from start to finish was fantastic! Alison was a wonderful partner and made sure that I was prepared at each step along the way. I appreciated the creative use of video technology for the position description and for the initial interviews. The entire team at Knowledge Leaders was outstanding and continually focused on my needs as a candidate during the process and even throughout my onboarding in the new position.”
Knowledge Leaders is a destination for education and technology leaders who need access to highly relevant information and people to help their organizations succeed.
The Company Teachstone is a leading education company dedicated to strengthening the impact of teacher-student interactions with innovative tools and…
The Company For over 50 years, TouchMath has provided systematic and explicit multisensory math instruction grounded in the Science of…
Curious about executive movement in technology or education? Learn about our open executive searches.
We believe hiring leaders from diverse backgrounds leads to new ideas and greater innovation within companies.
As ongoing best practices, Knowledge Leaders pledges to:
Stay active in diverse organizations and networks
Expand its extensive network of leaders and executives
Advertise in multiple channels to raise awareness of opportunities
Routinely recruit, develop and retain diverse candidates